The Forbes Public School Canteen, 'The Tuckerbox' is a P & C operated canteen, overseen by our paid manager, Mrs Tammy Coady and supported by volunteers. The Tuckerbox has been a Great Healthy School Canteen since 2019 and is a member of the healthy School Canten association.
Canteen Open Days
The canteen is open for both recess and lunch Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00am to 2:00pm.
Lunch Orders
Orders can be placed via the Flexischools App or online via the Flexischools website: Orders must be placed online by 9:00am and will be delivered to your child's classroom in the lunch baskets.
Alternatively, you can use a paper bag or reusable lunch wallet for ordering. These are to be placed in the lunch basket in your child's classroom at the commencement of the day. Please ensure your child's lunch order is clearly labelled with their name and class.
As with all volunteer organisations, our success is dependent upon the goodwill of the volunteers. We would like to invite you to join our team. Our volunteers have different levels of commitment. Some volunteer on a weekly basis while others once per term. Any time you are able to give us is very much apprectiated. A Working with Children Check is required. If you are able to help in any way please contact the school office on 6852 1934 or email Tammy directly at
Canteen menu
- Download the Tucker box menu for 2024 (PDF 228 KB)
The following school items are also available for purchase.
- Grey School Shorts: $22.00
- School hats: $16.00
- Summer Dress: $48.00
- Winter Tunic: $58.00
- Gaberdine Skort: $28.00
- White Long Sleeve Shirt: $24.00
- Grey Long Pants: $24.00
- Grey School Shorts: $22.00
- Woolerina school jumpers: $75.00
- V-neck Jumper: $50.00
- FPS Winter Jacket: $55.00
- Microfibre Trackpants: $32.00
- FPS Unisex Polo: $28.00
- Navy Tights: $12.00
- Grey or White 1/4 Crew Socks (3): $12.00
- Reusable Lunch Wallet: $14.00
The lunch wallets are available in quite a few colours and there is also an orange coloured one for any child with food allergies to alert the canteen staff.
You can order online, send payment in with your child or visit us yourself between the hours of 8:30am and 2:00pm.