Science and technology is mandatory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
In science and technology, students explore the natural and made worlds. They learn how to apply scientific and technological skills, knowledge and understanding across a broad range of contexts.
Science provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real world problems. The inquiry and skill-based nature of science opens doors to ideas and discoveries.
The vital importance of using technology in learning is realised through a very strong commitment to computer education at our school. Our school is fully networked providing ICT experiences that are highly engaging and extending student’s skills, knowledge and attitudes in relation to quality learning. All students, Kindergarten to Year 6, have access to computers, either as part of our laptop project, our portable laptop initiative or through our ICT hubs in the Computer Lab or Library.
The use of digital cameras, interactive whiteboards and concept keyboards has further enhanced opportunities for children in technology.
Technology is integrated across the curriculum. There is a Computer Lab and computers in the Library and all classrooms with Internet access. Interactive Whiteboards are present and used in all classrooms, the Library and Staffroom. The school also has a Video Conference Connected Classroom located in the Theatrette.
Stage 3 students participate in a project called Engage to Accelerate. Students have access to laptops at a ratio of 1:2 and the Internet using wireless connections. The project incorporates collaborative learning using higher order thinking techniques. Students use digital cameras, scanners, printers and software that allows for learning in the digital age and presentation of their work.